Building blocks & infrastructure for AI
Sieve builds everything you need to ship AI features in weeks, not years — while having full control over cost, quality, and speed. Solutions, building blocks, performant compute, and more.
Build complex AI apps
Import your favorite models like Python packages.
Visualize and debug
Visualize results with auto-generated interfaces built for your entire team.
Deploy custom code with ease
Define your environment and compute in code, and deploy with a single command.
Infrastructure that just works
Fast, scalable infrastructure without the hassle.
Run at any scale
We built Sieve to automatically scale as your traffic increases with zero extra configuration.
Stop worrying about Docker, CUDA, and GPUs
Package models with a simple Python decorator and deploy instantly.
Logs and metrics
A full-featured observability stack so you have full visibility of what’s happening under the hood.
Flexible, compute-based pricing
Pay only for what you use, by the second. Gain full control over your costs.
Built for your use case
Work with the experts
We're a team of machine learning experts from places like Berkeley, NVIDIA, Apple, Snapchat, Microsoft, and Scale AI. Work with us to support your custom use case and integrate Sieve into your existing pipeline.

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